... or you will go where you were looking at''.
This was one of the first things my driving instructor told me when she first put me in the driver's seat. I hadn't heard this before and I was too worried about other things at the time. But it is really important when you're driving, isn't it? Especially when you actually know how to drive, your hands will slightly stir towards where you're looking at, without you realizing it. The same thing happens when you walk as well. If you think about it, this also applies in life. And the wheel of life is how you think, act, react and make decisions. That's why role models are so influential, this is what mentors are thee for. To help you focus on where you want to go. This is how we are wired and there's no changing that. If you keep looking back, you won't be able to move forward. If you keep looking down, or even at your own level, you won't rise higher. This isn't just about ambitions and career, it is purely subjective to define what is forward or higher for you. Still, if you focus on the past or the small picture, you will be stuck where you are. Focus on the long run and see the bigger image, that's where your fulfillment is and this is what will draw you to it, this is what will make you take each step towards it.