It is twilight time in London. Sitting by the river, watching the gorgeous colors of the sky. The lights from the bridges and the buildings add a sense of magic. The air is warm and there is an unusual feeling of peace. Everything is calm, but you know that there is so much happening, not far from here. Parties, festivals, events, this city is constantly celebrating. And even though this city is so full, intense and vibrant, at this moment, this scenery brings to mind a very different time and place. Not so long ago and not so far away, everything was completely different. Sitting on the beach, the waves on my feet, the stars bright and glorious above me. Moments of relaxation in a routine full of hard work, endless partying and so much love!
The change has gone through various phases, some of them more exciting that others, some others quite hard. And now it finally feels like this process is really coming to its end. Not that things will stop changing, not at all. It just feels that from now on, there is a course to follow. As if the process so far was testing different roads without destination and taking turns with no idea where they might lead. But now, now it feels that I have chosen one road. It will surely have some ups and downs, unexpected curves and the occasional bumps, but it will still be the same road. And you know what? It may have taken a lot of driving around blindly and getting lost in order to get here, but the experiences gained on the way are simply priceless!