Δευτέρα 3 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Chasing dreams, making life alive

Today I’m going to tell you a story about two guys, Alex Crowhurst and Joe Gibson. They come from Essex, U.K. and they’ve done something that many people would say is crazy. Let’s go a bit back first. Alex was a General Manager in big and successful pub companies for 6 years and he was earning very good money from that. Joe has been a professional performer for the last 7 years and he was also doing great, which means he was making very good money, too. I think it’s safe to say they both had full and happy lives. But one day they left their home and came to Crete, Greece, to work as a band in a hotel. Now they are 'The Avenue'.
Why? So many people here have asked them this question! Well, Alex had a dream, being a guitarist in a professional band and he decided to chase his dream. Joe, on the other hand, needed to get away from always following the ‘right choices’, doing what everyone thought he was supposed to do and also he needed to get out of the easiness, the ‘comfort zone’. He was feeling that there are greater things in life besides career, success and money, so he came here to experience all that.
I have spend endless nights with them at the beach, always with their guitars, watching them value so much what they have here. Countless times they’ve said ‘’Life’s not about the money or the easiness, it’s about being at a place like this, at the beach, with the sea and the stars and good people around you’’. They valued every single day or night they spent here and they’ve made other people appreciate what they have been taking for granted. This should be the way we always see life and not wait for a couple of English dudes to remind us what it’s worth!
Recently I asked them how they feel about their decision to come here, after all these months. They both gave the same answer with absolute confidence; ‘’I wouldn’t change anything!’’ And you know, they did have some hard times here too, but they dealed with them and what I saw was that they managed to take something good out of them. For me, this is what being a positive person means.
Asking them what was the best thing they have experienced here is, I got this; ‘’I have found someone that when I play my music can relate to it. Someone that makes me want to play for him. I have always loved to play guitar, but playing with him, having the understanding that we do when we play, takes it to another level.’’ (Alex). And this; ‘’I have come out of singing solo and I’ve learned what it’s like to be part of a duo. Now I’m not singing on my own and this means that whatever I do affects someone else too. And having a very good friend and great musician as the other part of the duo, who appreciates everything that I do, it all makes me appreciate it even more. All of this made me push my limits more and find potentials of my voice that were there, but I didn’t know it. I found new aspects of singing and playing music and if you add the whole experience of this summer, it all made me love my job again’’ (Joe).
A person that dared to follow a dream and now is at the beginning of an amazing career. Another person who realized that he needed a break from everything he had, in order to love and value it again. Two friends that grab life from the balls. A living example that not everything in this world is about money, not everyone is cynical. No matter how hard the times that we live in are, it’s never too late to reconsider the way you see life and revalue your dreams.

P.S. Many, many, many thanks to the boys for letting me write this and answering my questions. Joe, Alex, you are both amazing persons and I really feel lucky to be your friend. My best wishes from the bottom of my heart to get what you deserve in life, which is the best!